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Cleanroom molding grows at InfinityCleanroom molding grows at Infinity

Infinity CleanRoom Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of the IMA Group, has completed work on a new 11,500-ft2 building housing a 2000-ft2, ISO 7 (class 10,000) cleanroom and has started injection molding trials within it on several medical components, using equipment from Engel and

PlasticsToday Staff

September 2, 2009

1 Min Read
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Infinity CleanRoom Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of the IMA Group, has completed work on a new 11,500-ft2 building housing a 2000-ft2, ISO 7 (class 10,000) cleanroom and has started injection molding trials within it on several medical components, using equipment from Engel and Stäubli, and a ‘Rocky Mountain Air'-designed and -built cleanroom.

“Our operating particle counts taken on the room were nearly an ISO 6 level (class 1000) and we are confident, with some minor partitioning in the room, we can achieve this level on a daily basis for the customers requiring this level. Our philosophy was to over-engineer our systems so we could assure our customers their products would never be exposed to the higher particle levels,” according to Scott Titzer, VP of Infinity.

Infinity says it chose Stäubli TX robots for their cleanliness since they are currently used in ISO 6 rooms and the 6-axes reach offers versatility for future downstream operations. The robots were ordered from Engel, along with two of its E-motion electric presses, so that the equipment manufacturers could coordinate the interface between the robots and presses. The robots also included Stäubli’s ValPlast software package for ease of programming. The room offers additional space for three more presses.

Rocky Mountain Air was chosen as the cleanroom manufacturer due to its experience building cleanrooms for the electronics industry, notorious for its high standards.

For a deeper look at Infinity’s work in planning its cleanroom, read Tony Deligio’s coverage from the February 2009 issue of MPW.

The IMA Group also runs Infinity Molding and Assembly on its Mt Vernon, IN site, with 40 injection molding machines sized from 35 to 610 tons. —[email protected]

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