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Shuttle blowmolding machine with small footprintShuttle blowmolding machine with small footprint

September 1, 2004

1 Min Read
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The BW F4 shuttle blowmolding machine is designed especially for the North American market, and is said to provide high bottle processing efficiencies, fast changeover, and ease-of-use ergonomics. The smallest member of the F-type shuttle machine family, the BW F4 offers tie-barless accessibility, in-machine trimming and labeling, and closed loop precision. It can be configured for single or double stations, each allowing one-, two-, three-, or four-parison molding of bottles ranging from .2- to 1.5-liter capacity.

The machine allows interchangeability with existing molds and configuration of touchscreen controls to resemble legacy machines. Its control has a color touchscreen interface, dynamic Windows graphic displays, bus system and Ethernet connectivity, and tele-diagnostic capability. Screens are available that resemble controls on legacy machines to avoid relearning problems. Blowmolders can use existing molds and blowpins, even switch them back and forth with existing machines. Trimming and labeling are done within the machine.

Uniloy Milacron, Manchester, MI
(734) 428-8371

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