Temperature controls for runnerless molding systemsTemperature controls for runnerless molding systems
May 1, 2004
IMP and RMB Series temperature controls reportedly offer ease of setup and operation. The controls are made with similar displays, lamps, setpoint mechanisms, and graphics for quick learning and simple operation. According to the company, the units are designed so well that the only adjustment most users will make is the setpoint temperature.
In the event of a thermocouple failure, some modules provide a percent power output via the PID function to prevent downtime. All hot runner components are said to be built to withstand tough conditions. Mainframes are constructed from heavy gauge steel, and controls have an improved design to prevent shorting-out during module change. Stands use heavy gauge steel and cross-bracing. Cables feature improved strain relief to increase reliability. They are field-proven in the most critical applications. A complete range of systems is available to cover most needs, and special order configurations can adapt to most applications.
Plastic Process Equipment Inc.
Macedonia, OH
(216) 367-7000; www.ppe.com
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