Compounder expands halogen-free line with nylon, polyester gradesCompounder expands halogen-free line with nylon, polyester grades
Giving designers more options when it comes to using halogen-free materials in various applications, compounder RTP Co. (Winona, MN) has expanded its line of halogen-free flame retardant (FR) compounds to include nylon and polyester grades.
July 23, 2009
(Winona, MN) has expanded its line of halogen-free flame retardant (FR) compounds to include nylon and polyester grades. “Development of halogen-free FR materials by RTP has been driven by the global push for manufacturers to eliminate halogens from their products,” says Paul Killian, technical marketing manager, FR products at RTP, who adds that the compounds provide the same physical properties and UL94 V-0 FR performance as conventional halogenated grades.
Recent additions to the company’s stable of halogen-free products include nylons (PA 6/6, PA 6, HTN, and PPA) and polyesters (PBT, PET, and PTT), in addition to six previous halogen-free FR compound lines based on other matrix materials. —[email protected]
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