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Clamcleats opens new Costa Rican injection molding facilityClamcleats opens new Costa Rican injection molding facility

British manufacturer and occasional custom molder Clamcleats Limited (Welwyn Garden City, England) has leased a new 9150-sq-ft injection molding facility in Costa Rica. Clamcleats designs and manufactures injection molded and die-cast cleats for ropes distributed in the marine and camping markets. The new site, which will operate as Injection Moulding and Tooling Services S.A.

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British manufacturer and occasional custom molder Clamcleats Limited (Welwyn Garden City, England) has leased a new 9150-sq-ft injection molding facility in Costa Rica. Clamcleats designs and manufactures injection molded and die-cast cleats for ropes distributed in the marine and camping markets. The new site, which will operate as Injection Moulding and Tooling Services S.A. (IMATS) and be located in Cartago's Zona Franca Zeta, will have eight injection molding machines ranging in clamp force from 22 to 320 tons, with shot sizes from 1g (0.035 oz) to 1kg (2.2 lb), a company spokesperson told PlasticsToday.imats-building-back-side-zona-franca-zeta-cartago-costa-rica.jpg

IMATS Clamcleats

Clamcleats has been supplying customers in Costa Rica with a growing number of components over the last five years, according to a press release, and this expansion comes after signing a contract to supply plastic injection molded components to a long-term customer in the country.

Besides injection molding, the company offers complete project management from tooling and engineering to secondary operations such as product printing. In addition to existing customers in the country, Clamcleats was attracted to Costa Rica by its trade incentives.

"Costa Rica is a safe and stable country, the safest in the whole of South and Central America," said Clamcleats' Alizée Levavasseur. "It is also an attractive country for foreign direct investment with friendly laws and regimes: free trade zone regime with tax exemption, import duty exemption and interesting trade agreements with the U.S."

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