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Injection molding machine sales in China up 9% in 2009Injection molding machine sales in China up 9% in 2009

A new report from the firm Research in China (Beijing, China) shows that, even though the global economic downturn in 2008 and 2009 impacted injection molding machine sales worldwide, including the Chinese import/export business, Chinese domestic demand resulted in 2009 IM sales 9% above 2008's level.

PlasticsToday Staff

July 19, 2010

1 Min Read
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A new report from the firm Research in China (Beijing, China) shows that, even though the global economic downturn in 2008 and 2009 impacted injection molding machine sales worldwide, including the Chinese import/export business, Chinese domestic demand resulted in 2009 IM sales 9% above 2008's level. 

Some of that growth is due to 2008's level being below norms, but feeding the growth was demand from building materials, home appliaces, and electronics; the Chinese government adopted domestic demand expansion measures, economic development promotion, and industrial revitalization planning, among other measures, and value-added tax (VAT) reform encouraged investment by business enterprises.

This report summarizes global IM machine markets based on the Chinese market, prioritizing production, sales, import/export, competition and market shares. Also, it probes deeply into major production areas and 13 key enterprises in the Chinese IM machine market. It also explores the regional nature of the Chinese molding machine business.

For instance, Ningbo in the Zhejiang region supplies over half the Chinese market demand, and according to the report, has about a one-third share of the global market. Among the dozens of machine makers in the area are Chen Hsong, Haitian, L.K., Demag, and Sumitomo. Sales of molding machines in the Beilun area of Ningbo was about 45% of the total national sales for 2009.

The full 62-page report, which includes a substantial number of charts, including the figures of specific machine makers, in English or Chinese costs $1500 USD for a hard copy and $1600 for an electronic PDF document. Full information can be found here. —[email protected]

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