Metro Mold & Design Grows Injection Molding FootprintMetro Mold & Design Grows Injection Molding Footprint
The company adds four new Engel presses with integrated automation at its headquarters in Rogers, MN.
August 3, 2020

Metro Mold & Design (MMD) recently added three hydraulic hybrid Engel presses, as well as a new Victory Engel 340-ton press, bringing the total number of injection molding machines at its headquarters in Rogers, MN, to 26. The contract manufacturer, specializing in high-volume, low-mix molding services for consumer and industrial applications, also has six blow molding systems and 10 thermoset machines at the facility.
As demand for personal-care products continues to escalate, MMD is effectively performing automated, long-run projects that help customers drive down costs and improve margins.
“We are continuously investing in the advanced manufacturing technologies needed to produce efficient molding solutions for our customers,” said Ben Lampron, Vice President of MMD’s Consumer & Industrial Division. “This is not only important in meeting accelerated demand, but it will also be important as companies seek American-made products at price points not historically available in the US.”
The Engel injection molding machines are integrated with high-speed automation and advanced robotics within the individual work cells. MMD worked with Ilsemann Automation to integrate the automation systems and reduce manual labor and drive down costs while ensuring part quality.
In addition to its headquarters in Rogers, MN, MMD also operates MMD Medical in Brooklyn Park, MN, which also provides molding services and manufactures critical medical devices.
MMD was founded in 1973.
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