Next-generation valve gating from Mold Hotrunner SolutionsNext-generation valve gating from Mold Hotrunner Solutions
Mold Hotrunner Solutions (MHS; Georgetown, ON, Canada) introduced its new line of next-generation valve-gate hot runners at NPE2015. Unlike other pneumatic, hydraulic or electric valve-gate hot runners, new Theo-Pro Black Box actuators and second-generation iVG internal valve-gate nozzles can operate directly inside the mold at temperatures up to 450°C (850°F) without seal wear or cooling.
April 7, 2015
Mold Hotrunner Solutions (MHS; Georgetown, ON, Canada) introduced its new line of next-generation valve-gate hot runners at NPE2015. Unlike other pneumatic, hydraulic or electric valve-gate hot runners, new Theo-Pro Black Box actuators and second-generation iVG internal valve-gate nozzles can operate directly inside the mold at temperatures up to 450°C (850°F) without seal wear or cooling.
Harald Schmidt, President, noted that MHS was proud to launch the original internal valve gate at NPE2012. "This year, we've expanded our product range with the goal of being the leader in valve-gate technology," he said.
"Traditional actuators need to run cooling, most commonly water, in order to keep the seal rings from breaking down at mold temperature," said Jorg Schmidt, Director of Business Development. "Electric actuators are even worse at handling heat."
This new line of valve-gate hot runners can run hot, so the actuator does not need any cooling at all. This durable new type of actuator offers superior gate quality, precision pin movement and powerful shut-off force in an extremely compact form factor. The modular actuator units provide tool makers with design flexibility for all hot-runner molds, including back-to-back stack molds. All components are engineered to enable easy retrofits and upgrades to existing systems running with conventional actuators, said MHS.
Schmidt added that there are a number of advantages to this new line of valve-gate hot runners, including no machine downtime for failed actuators, no wear, no maintenance, no lubricants (making them clean-room friendly), no plumbing and no cooling line issues, such as clogging due to poor water quality. "It's really a leap for valve gating, though it seems like such a simple thing. Molders and moldmakers at NPE were extremely excited because valve-gate reliability is such an important issue for them," said Schmidt.
Both Black Box cylinders and iVG nozzles come in a number of different sizes for a range of part weights and applications. The company produces direct-gated micro-parts the size of a grain of sand to parts that weigh 450 pounds. "This is an exciting market," added Harald Schmidt. "Our U.S. customers aren't afraid to explore what's possible, to really push the limits and succeed."
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