SPE call for nominations for moldmaker/mold designer of the yearSPE call for nominations for moldmaker/mold designer of the year
Are you a great moldmaker or mold designer? Do you know someone who deserves to be honored for his or her moldmaking skills or mold design creativity and expertise? If so, nominate them for the SPE Mold Maker of the Year and Mold Designer of the Year. Each year, the Mold Making & Mold Design Division of the SPE looks to honor two top-notch people in moldmaking and mold design.
April 15, 2015
Now, I know how humble all you guys (gals, too!) are when it comes to touting your skills and talents in this business. You don't think you do anything special. "I'm just doing my job," you tell me. "It's nothing special." You know I don't believe that!
There are many talented moldmakers and mold designers out there, and they deserve to be recognized. If you are a mold shop owner and have an exceptional employee who deserves this honor, nominate him or her! If you work for a moldmaking or mold design firm and have outstanding mentors, managers or owners that you believe qualify, nominate them!
The criteria are pretty simple. The moldmaker or mold designer should have:
made a contribution to the industry or the Society of Plastics Engineers;
strong technical experience;
a reputation for conducting business in a fair and honest manner.
Nominees do not have to be active members of the SPE.
I know there are many out there in the industry who meet the criteria and really deserve to be honored in such a manner. The winner receives $500, which will be donated on his or her behalf to a technical school of his or her choice.
So even if you are too humble to nominate yourself or even someone from your company, think about the possibility of helping the next generation of moldmakers or mold designers who are attending school and how that $500 award can make a difference toward bridging the skills gap the industry is experiencing.
Send your nominations to [email protected] by May 15, 2015. You will then be requested to follow up with a biographical sketch, outlining the individual's experience and credentials. The Mold Making & Mold Design Division Board will select the award recipients based on the merits of the candidates.
So, come on guys (and gals!): Step up and nominate a deserving mold designer and moldmaker today to get them the recognition they deserve, and help your favorite technical school at the same time if your nomination wins!
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