EOAT Components Now Available In Plastic Composite, AluminumEOAT Components Now Available In Plastic Composite, Aluminum
November 1, 2001
November, 2001
Parts Handling:
EOAT Components NowAvailable In PlasticComposite, Aluminum
>SAS< Automation now has a range of end-of-arm tooling components made of nylon titanium composite, as well as lightweight aluminum. Contact the company directly for pricing information by using the Key Contact Directory on p 42.
Clamp components are the first of the company's end-of-arm tooling products to be made of a plastic composite, nylon titanium. In fact, the company claims that this is the first time that EOAT has been engineered from plastic composites.
Through design modifications, the company says it was able to achieve a lighter weight for some of its clamp components, while maintaining comparable strength. They are called: get a grip! NT.
The composite family of WSL clamp components replaces the current aluminum family and is said to be fully compatible with the existing line of mating parts. >SAS< says it will offer aluminum clamp components on a special order basis and that the new composite clamps are not more expensive than the aluminum parts.
Circle 114
Lightweight aluminum profiles, the C-Light Line, are said to increase the capability of low-payload robots that use EOAT. The company says these new profiles will address the needs of processors who are looking for their existing robots to handle heavier and larger parts, without having to purchase a new robot.
There are seven sizes in the C-Light Line ranging from 18 x 10 mm to 18 x 18 mm.
Circle 115
>SAS< Automation, Ltd.
Xenia, OH
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