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New book offers expert insight on plastics selection for medical devices in cardiovascular applicationsNew book offers expert insight on plastics selection for medical devices in cardiovascular applications

Author Ajay Padsalgikar, a chief scientist at St. Jude Medical, explores the property requirements for various cardiovascular applications to help design engineers select the most appropriate materials.

PlasticsToday Staff

March 17, 2017

1 Min Read
New book offers expert insight on plastics selection for medical devices in cardiovascular applications

Medical device manufacturers and their engineers working in the cardiovascular space have a new resource at their disposal. Elsevier (Cambridge, MA) announced today the publication of Plastics in Medical Devices for Cardiovascular Applications authored by Ajay Padsalgikar, a chief scientist at St. Jude Medical, one of the world's leading companies in the manufacture of cardiovascular devices.

The book provides designers of new cardiovascular medical devices with insights on the kinds of plastics needed to manufacture each device by explaining the property requirements of various applications, including artificial valves, lead insulation, balloons and vascular grafts. It allows designers to improve device performance and comply with regulations by selecting the best material for each application, said Elsevier in a press release announcing the publication.

Padsalgikar has spent the last 18 years working in the field of plastics and polyurethanes, 12 of which have been in the field of medical plastics. As Chief Scientific Officer at AorTech Biomaterials, he worked with various medical device manufacturers in the cardiovascular space, obtaining a first-hand feel of the devices and the important properties of plastics necessary to fulfil the requirements of the application. Padsalgikar has a PhD in polymer science from Clemson University.

Elsevier also announced the publication of four additional plastics and polymers books:

  • Rheology: Concepts, Methods, and Applications, Third Edition by Alexander Ya, Malkin and Avraam I. Isayev

  • Databook of Plasticizers, Second Edition by Anna Wypych

  • Handbook of Plasticizers, Third Edition by George Wypych

  • Handbook of Odors in Plastic Materials, Second Edition by George Wypych

A sample chapter of Padsalgikar’s tome is available here; purchasing information is available here.

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