SuperCube pails from RPC pack biodegradable vineyard clipsSuperCube pails from RPC pack biodegradable vineyard clips
The reusable plastic pail, which replaces conventional plastic bags in cardboard boxes, has increased sales for French maker of clips that ensure vertical growth of grapevines.
February 9, 2018

The SuperCube pail from RPC Superfos (Taastrup, Denmark) is at the centre of a growing success story after being chosen to pack 100% biodegradable vineyard clips that ensure the vertical growth of vines. Since Compagnie des Agrafes à Vigne (Buxières-sur-Arce, France) selected the SuperCube for its vineyard clips, both the product and package have attracted rave reviews and the clips have enjoyed an uptick in sales, according to RPC Superfos.
The French company chose the 5.5-litre SuperCube because it wanted a convenient and reusable plastic pail to replace the plastic bags in cardboard boxes that were typically used. The innovative starch-based clips attach the vines to a wire trellis to promote vertical growth.
“It was clear to us that we wanted to sell our new clips in plastic pails, but we were not more specific than that,” explains Chloé Gautherot, Assistant Manager at Compagnie des Agrafes à Vigne. “During our packaging market search, the RPC Superfos website caught our attention and we got in touch. It was a sound decision and we are perfectly pleased to cooperate with this dynamic and attentive packaging provider.”
According to Gautherot, who designed the artwork for the labels that are applied via in-mold labeling technology, vineyard workers also feel that the practical pail adds value to the clips, because they don’t need to transfer the clips from the bags to pails, which are needed in any case for trellising. In addition, the sustainability benefits of the reusable pails are a great match for the plant-based clips.
“We appreciate that RPC Superfos gave us the opportunity to test various pail options. We finally opted for the square SuperCube solution because [of its] aesthetics, reusability and dimensions,” Gautherot added. “The SuperCube pail looks exactly [how] we wanted. It is eye-catching, has great colors and is impossible to miss at outlets selling our clips made of starch.”
Compagnie des Agrafes à Vigne exports its products to wine-producing countries around the world, from New Zealand and South America to Europe.
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