Chilled-Air Conveyor Is Self-ContainedChilled-Air Conveyor Is Self-Contained
December 1, 2000
Chilled-Air Conveyor Is Self-Contained
EMI's new self-contained, chilled-air conveyor does not require access to a chiller and plugs into any 110 v outlet. Unit is designed to provide post-molding cooling (down to 40 F) to injection molded parts (depending on ambient plant air and the temperature of the parts).
Even when chilled water is available, this unit is said to be an excellent choice for applications that are at a distance from the water source, if the supply of water is limited or if plumbing to the water source is difficult. And for applications that access a portable chiller for mold cooling, the unit can be used to provide post-mold cooling without sacrificing cooling capacity to the mold.
This unit can be retrofitted onto almost any existing conveyor and cooling chambers can be built to fit almost any styleconveyor. Prices depend on size and style (flat or incline) socontact EMI directly via the Key Contact Directory on p 47.
EMI Plastics Equipment
Wickliffe, OH
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