CoreTech system receives U.S. patent for three-parameter fiber orientation modelCoreTech system receives U.S. patent for three-parameter fiber orientation model
CoreTech System Co., Ltd. (Moldex3D), a provider of 3D CAE simulation for the injection molding industry, was granted a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the company's technology that reportedly brings high-accuracy prediction to the orientation distribution of injection molded fiber-reinforced thermoplastics and can be applied to a wide range of injection molding needs.
November 26, 2013
This new patent describes a new fiber orientation model, anisotropic rotary diffusion model combined with retarding principal rate (iARD-RPR), that can accurately detect and describe the changes well in fiber orientation, both short and long fibers included. The company says the fiber model provides significant enhancements to previous models and enables superior prediction accuracy to largely eliminate shrinkage and warpage problems induced by the effect of anisotropy of fiber orientation.
"We're pleased that the USPTO has recognized our focus on producing continuous innovation in this field," said Venny Yang, president of CoreTech System. "As the leading provider of plastic injection molding simulation, it's our mission to continuously offer the most reliable and accurate simulation solutions to empower our clients to solve complex design challenges."
The inventor for this patent is Dr. Ivor Huan-Chang Tseng, program manager in the R&D division of CoreTech System (Moldex3D), who recently received 2013 SPE ACCE Best Paper Award for his publication "Three Dimensional Predictions of Fiber Orientation for Injection Molding of Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics", and his paper "Phenomenological Improvements to Predictive Models of Fiber Orientation in Concentrated Suspensions" has also been accepted by Journal of Rheology; both papers explicitly discuss the application and the study of this new technology.
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