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Cost-efficient versatile laser micrometersCost-efficient versatile laser micrometers

March 1, 2005

1 Min Read
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An affordable, versatile, and accurate noncontact measurement device, the BenchMike 500, is available in three packaged configurations. Specifications include a measurement range of .025 to 2 inches, repeatability of ±.00003 inch, and linearity of ±.0001 inch.

Because nothing but laser light touches the product to be measured, there?s no part distortion or operator influence to affect measurements. Soft, delicate, brittle, hot, and even radioactive parts can be measured with no damage or danger. The units are suitable for the wire and cable, fiber optic, pipe, profile, and tubing markets.

Beta LaserMike Inc., Dayton, OH
(937) 233-9935

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