May 1, 2000
Booth E-10127
Existing Products On Display Company will showcase its six-axis M-16iT overhead rail-mounted Toploader robot, which will be tending a Milacron 750 Powerline injection molding machine with a Rubbermaid mold. The overhead mount is said to allow a full range of motion for secondary operations such as trimming, deflashing, palletizing, labeling or packing. It also reduces floor space and ceiling height requirements compared to gantry robots.
The rail mount also allows top or side entry into the press and allows the robot to reach back behind itself to provide a three-dimensional work envelope.
One of the smallest Toploader robots, the SR Mate 200i, will be featured in Milacron's booth. These robots offer a four-, five- or six-axis solution for unloading 50 to 300 ton injection molding machines. The platen bracket
is designed to attach directly to various Fanuc Roboshot injection molding machine platens or can be easily adapted to fit other platens. When connected to a Roboshot, the user can control the robot motion and program logic through the Roboshot operator panel.
An M-710i robot will be deflashing a blow molded part. This process is said to require no sensors or vision systems to detect parting line and reportedly achieves a Class A finish. Only one path is required to remove the flash in most cases and the robot is claimed to meet mold cycle time and handle part variation up to ± 12 mm.
Finally, a P-145 paint robot will simulate the painting of various plastic parts.
During NPE, Fanuc robots will be displayed in the following booths: Automated Assemblies (283), The Conair Group (3449), Milacron (2949 & 2968) and Robotic Production Technology, Inc. (8026). Circle 259
Key Contact Chris Hojnowski, Customer Sales - Tel: 800-47-ROBOT (477-0268); Fax: 248-276-4133;
E-mail: [email protected];
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