Finishing in styleFinishing in style
GF AgieCharmilles’ FO350SP die-sinking EDM is claimed to increase productivity and enable fine, shiny surface finishes of unmatched homogeneity, and offer high-speed precision for mold manufacturers, according to the firm. The machine’s high-speed Z-axis and “Speed Finishing” module are intended to make it ideally suited for the machining of deep ribs, pre-roughed 3D cavities, and “blade”-type applications.
December 28, 2009
GF AgieCharmilles’ FO350SP die-sinking EDM is claimed to increase productivity and enable fine, shiny surface finishes of unmatched homogeneity, and offer high-speed precision for mold manufacturers, according to the firm. The machine’s high-speed Z-axis and “Speed Finishing” module are intended to make it ideally suited for the machining of deep ribs, pre-roughed 3D cavities, and “blade”-type applications. FO350SP also features modular, autonomous running-time solutions that extend the number of effective EDM hours.
The FO350SP is designed with a double thermostabilization system, a world first in preventing the impact of temperature variations, allowing for maximum accuracy. Pulsed air circulating in the cabin is cooled in real time, according to the temperature of the dielectric, by a double differential temperature probe. The whole of the mainframe and the X-, Y-, and Z-axes are thermostabilized in the same way as the entire machine. Circulation of the dielectric is integrated into the worktable, which prevents the risk of thermal shocks when filling the tank.
The GO350SP features GF AgieCharmilles’ DPControl, which is designed to suggest ideal electrode undersize and rationalize the number of electrodes necessary for effective machining, and the Accura-C, a high-precision C-axis that provides an increase of positioning accuracy down to 3.6 arc seconds. The C-axis is built to withstand maximum inertia of up to 1708 lb in2 to boost productivity and allow precise machining with electrodes weighing up to 110 lb. The Accura-C also features a liquid cooling system to eliminate inaccuracy from thermal instability. —[email protected]
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