May 1, 2000
Booth S-606
What's Hot! The company will display enhanced versions of its Series 9500 hot runner temperature control system (Jan '99 PA, p 19) and its GLC 2K hot runner temperature controller (Sep '98 PA, p 10 & Jan '99 PA, p 28).
* New Mercury software for the Series 9500 is said to provide faster operator interaction, allowing for immediate programming. The software is also customer configurable; users can remove unwanted features and/or add others. The software is also said to provide improved graphing capabilities, showing the last 100 samples of the hot runner/mold history.
* An Amp measurement display has been added to the GLC 2K hot runner temperature controller. It is said to provide troubleshooting benefits, including heater identification/verification; identification of individual heater failure, even when three heaters are wired together; and more precise evaluation of individual heater zone performance.
Existing Products On Display will include the 9600 Series hot runner temperature control system (Jan '00 PA, p 12), which is said to save floor space by allowing controller cabinet mounting on the injection molding machine. This re-package of the 9500 Series system also has a remote monitor for press-side mounting.
Cool Booth Details Actual customer case histories will provide 'real-world' examples of the benefits of Gammaflux technology.
Circle 264
Booth Personnel James McMillin, Rene Bertschi, Mike Brostedt, Dave List, Vince Leone, Patrick Geritz
Key Contact Mike Brostedt  Tel: 703-471-5050; Fax: 703-689-2131;
E-mail: [email protected];
Web Site:
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