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ID and CAD plus PDMID and CAD plus PDM

August 23, 2008

1 Min Read
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DMP_think3_IDv9.gifAlphabet soup, anyone? If you?re a designer or engineer, you may want to say yes. CAD software vendor think3 recently introduced version 9.0 of its popular 2-D/3-D/PDM suite aimed at product designers and small to midsize manufacturers.

What?s new? Greater ease of use, time savings, and full AutoCAD compatibility head the list. For industrial designers, V9.0 offers thinkiD, successor to the former thinkshape, with enhanced Global Shape Modeling capabilities that allow a single 2-D/3-D environment for blank screen creation, design modification, and product engineering. Unlike other conceptual software programs, thinkiD allows free-form geometry creation in user-friendly language while simultaneously creating engineering data. Zone modeling and autocapping functions further bolster ease of use and ensure the integrity of design intent.

An integrated PDM module, thinkteam, makes engineering data easy to access and generates BOMs within the same single environment. A relatively new feature, Product Configurator, captures application intelligence to create new configurations from existing designs and determine if they are manufacturable, a time-saving feature for design engineers.?MM

think3 Inc.
Cincinnati, OH
(513) 263-6770

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