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June 11, 1999

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•Primary Equipment
ArticleImage1866.gifVersatile MIM batch furnaces.MIM 3000 batch furnaces from Elnik Systems (Fairfield, NJ)are designed to process any metal with any binder in a computer-controlledone-step debinding and sintering cycle. MIM 3000s process in air,nitrogen, argon, or hydrogen with atmosphere flow-through, partialpressure, or high vacuum. They require little process gas, electricity,handling time, or floorspace. Contact: Claus J. Joens, Elnik,(973) 882-8037.

Arburg's PIM machines are evolving. Arburg promotesthe use of its injection process control option. This system usesa position-regulated screw and mold sensors to control changeover.Arburg also says it is developing special standards for specifyingmachine hydraulics packages, depending on PIM part sizes and feedstocks.And Arburg has begun molding alumina ceramic water tapseals forits own molding machines' water distribution valves. Contact:Uwe Haupt, Arburg, +49 (74) 46-33-3887.

ArticleImage2866.gifJSW'sTXM lineup grows. Japan Steel Works Ltd., (Tokyo, Japan) hasadded two new sizes into its JLM series of TXM machines (75 to1600 tons). New are 150- and 650-ton machines. With inquiriespouring in from automotive markets, JSW soon plans to build largerpresses, anywhere from 2500 to 3500 tons. Even larger machines,4000 tons and over, are on the drawing boards. JSW also is investigatingthe feasibility of large horizontal-injection/vertical-clampingpresses for molding TXM preforms into large parts. Contact: KazuoKitamura, JSW, +81 (3) 3501-6164.

Boy is scouting PIM. Boy Machines Inc. (Exton, PA) reportsthat its entire line of injection molding machines (14.2 to 88tons) is ready for PIM with little or no modifications. Boy'scompact machines fit well into continuous molding-debinding-sinteringinline systems. Also, use of several Boys running smaller cavitationtooling reduces possible production interruptions from multicavitymold failures in one or two larger presses. Contact: George
Dallas, Boy Machines, (610) 363-9121.

Labor-saving PIM furnaces. CM Furnaces Inc. (Bloomfield,NJ) has been building a specific line of high-temperature PIMfurnaces since the mid-80s. Its continuous furnaces are builtto guarantee throughput and repeatability in high-volume runs,even when different part sizes, geometries, or materials are involved.And they are designed to save more than gas and electricity. Theyare highly automated and reduce labor cost, as well. Contact:Jim Neill, CM Furnaces, (973) 338-6500.

ArticleImage3866.gif Husky's taking TXM machine orders.Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. (Bolton, ON) has beguntaking orders for its TXM molding systems. They feature a fullyguarded, fully integrated, all-in-one molding machine and a producthandling packaging. Argon gas systems are also fully integrated.And there's even a built-in air extractor for removing mold release.Injection units are engineered to provide ultra-high-speed injection,and process control has been suitably modified. Contact: Tim Creasey,Husky, (905) 951-5000, ext. 3747.

Walking-beam MIM furnaces. Cremer ThermoprozessanlagenGmbH (Düren, Germany) promotes the use of its MIM-Masterseries of fully automated continuous furnaces for high-volumeproduction, such as those already continuously debinding and sinteringparts in BASF's Catamold feedstock. They accommodate differentprocess atmospheres and feature at their core a high-temperaturefurnace featuring a modified walking-beam system. MIM-Master batchfurnaces also are available. Contact: Cremer, +49 (2421) 61021.

•Secondary Equipment
TXM cavity-pressure monitoring. Kistler InstrumentsCorp. (Amherst, NY) offers cavity pressure monitoring systems,originally developed for zinc and aluminum diecasting, to TXMmolders. Systems can include direct- and indirect-pressure piezoelectricquartz transducers, charge amplifiers, adapter interfaces, andKistler's advanced DataFlow analysis software. Sensors for monitoringmoldfilling uniformity by detecting tiebar extensions also areavailable. Contact: Karl E. Bauer, Kistler, (716) 691-5100.

Arburg chews on PIM jaw breakers. Arburg is activelyinvolved in optimizing regrinding equipment from the milling industrycalled "jaw breakers." An Arburg source says these machinesare fully wear-protected, provide new levels of more uniform grainsizes, and operate with relatively low noise levels. Contact:Uwe Haupt,
Arburg, +49 (74) 46-33-3887.

Sonograms for TXM. The National Research Council ofCanada's Industrial Materials Institute promotes the use of ultrasonictransducer (UT) technology as a method of monitoring the entireTXM process. Like a sonogram, UTs can "see" throughthe machine and mold, and provide data for optimizing everythingfrom injection velocity, solids content, mechanical properties,viscosity, and temperature in the slurry to filling the cavities.Contact: Cheng-Kuei Jen, NRCCIMI, (514) 641-5085.

PC-based PIM machine control. Netstal Machinery Inc.'s(Devens, MA) latest controller for its SynErgy series of machinesfor PIM, the DSP-2, combines 32-bit operating system firmwarewith its easy-to-use, all-graphics operator interface to keepPIM under control. The DSP-2 also offers all the connectivityof modern PCs for remote monitoring and troubleshooting. Contact:Werner Christinger, Netstal, (978) 772-5100.

TXM nozzle-pressure sensors. Schlaepfer Sensors Ltd.(Hagenbuch, Switzerland) offers nozzle pressure sensors for closedloop TXM process control systems. Capable of measuring nozzlepressures up to 2500 bar at 800C, its sensors are supplied withan integrated cable and amplifier, and they also simultaneouslymeasure temperature. A very thick and resistant diaphragm andfiberoptic technology provide high resolution and reliability.Contact: Bruno Schlaepfer, Schlaepfer Sensors, +41 (52) 364-3262.

•Short shots

  • Xaloy Inc. (Pulaski, VA) is developing high-performance bimetallics for TXM screws, barrels, and related components. Inconel steel backing on nickel-cobalt type materials are under investigation by the company. Phone: (540) 994-2219.

  • Injection molding machine OEM Nissei Plastic Industrial Co. Ltd. (Nagano, Japan) is experimenting with molding magnesium alloys using process technologies different from those licensed by Thixomat. Nissei officials declined to offer details, but Nissei is rumored to be experimenting with molten slurry molding on a 350-ton molding machine.

  • Arthur Hehl was a manufacturer of metal surgical instruments. The company he founded in 1923 is, today, a leading global supplier of machines for injection molding metal surgical equipment, and much more. Hehl founded Arburg.

  • Parts for JSW TXM machines will be stocked by JSW's plastics machinery outlets. JSW is dispatching TXM engineers to its technical centers to provide local technical assistance. JSW also plans to demonstrate its TXM machine in September near Düsseldorf, Germany.

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