New SPI service to help companies exhibit at trade showsNew SPI service to help companies exhibit at trade shows
Calling upon its extensive in-house experience with trade shows, SPI: the Plastics Industry Association (Washington, DC), is offering what it calls Concierge Service, a program to help companies that want to exhibit at major plastics shows but are put off by the time, cost, manpower, and logistics involved.
February 18, 2010
The service includes, but is by no means limited to, the NPE show, which SPI organizes. The next NPE is in April 2012, but in the interim SPI can help with shows such as Plastimagen (March 23-26, Mexico City), Chinaplas (Shanghai, April 19-22), and K 2010 (Düsseldorf, October 27-November 3).
Gene Sanders, SPI's VP of trade shows, says the value of shows for finding new business is well known, but many companies don't have resources or staff to plan an exhibit at a major international event. SPI can help, he says, adding "The Concierge Service is a new way for SPI to carry out its mission of helping to stimulate economic recovery in the plastics industry." SPI will charge a fee for the service and receive no commissions from show organizers.
The Concierge Service will help with things such as selection of and contracting for the display, budgeting, working with vendors, planning move-in, and arranging passes for customers. Sanders says the fee for the services will be small compared to extra costs often paid by companies who do not understand how show systems work. He also expects that some of the larger, more experienced companies will take advantage of the service. —[email protected]
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