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NPE: The TrekkerNPE: The Trekker

May 8, 2000

21 Min Read
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Consider this guidean indispensable tool to help you navigate around one of the biggestshows in the world, and master the city in which it is held. Thisis your logistics planner. How much is taxi fare from O'Hare toMcCormick Place? Where can I get a bottle of aspirin at McCormick?Where do I go for a good steak in the city, and how do I makea reservation? How about a good place to hear some jazz and unwindafter a long day walking the show floor? Or where's the best spotto see the Chicago skyline in all of its glory? Use the linksbelow to find specific information or just read on.

The Basics
Getting Around
Inside McCormick
Beyond the Show
Show Prep
Important Telephone Numbers

The Basics

Show info
NPE 2000, sponsored by the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI),will host 85,000 plastics industry professionals from around theglobe. These attendees will range from high-level engineers, productionmanagers, and designers to researchers, purchasing agents, andmanufacturing executives. The 1800 exhibitors expected to showoff their wares and services include major suppliers of primaryprocessing and auxiliary equipment; machine and mold components;resins and compounds; additives; moldmaking services; moldingservices and more. Specialized areas, such as assembly, decorating,and site selection, will also be represented.

Show schedule
The exhibit floors at NPE 2000 are open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m Monday through Friday, and registration opens at 8:00 a.m.each day. Conferences, free with your registration and organizedby the Society of Plastics Engineers, are scheduled throughoutthe event in Rooms S401 to S405, located on Level 4 of the SouthHall. For more about the conferences see the May issue of IMMor use this link for a completeschedule.

Monday, June 19

8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Registration open9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Exhibit floor open1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Free NPE conference sessions

Tuesday, June 20

8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Registration open8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Free NPE conference sessions9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Exhibit floor open1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Free NPE conference sessions

Wednesday, June 21

8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Registration open8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Free NPE conference sessions9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Exhibit floor open1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Free NPE conference sessions

Thursday, June 22

8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Registration open8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Free NPE conference sessions9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Exhibit floor open1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Free NPE conference sessions6:30 p.m.Hall of Fame dinner at the Hilton Chicago

Friday, June 23

8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Registration open9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Exhibit floor open


Getting Around

Getting to and from the Hotels
Free shuttle. Free transportation between McCormickPlace and many of the downtown and O'Hare hotels is being providedby NPE. Scheduled frequency is approximately every 15 minutesin the morning and evening and every 30 minutes at midday. Yourshow badge entitles you to unlimited free shuttle bus service.When going to McCormick Place, ask at your hotel for the exactbus boarding location, which may be at a nearby hotel.

Commuter train. If you don't feel like waiting for theshuttle service, or if taxis are scarce at McCormick, you maychoose to take the Metra Electric Train to or from the Loop. Traveltime is less than 10 minutes, and the ticket is free, thanks toNPE, which is providing a Metra pass valid throughout the show.The McCormick Place station is located on Level 2.5, off the GrandConcourse. A trip to the Randolph station delivers you below MichiganAve. between South Water St. and Randolph St. For indoor accessto the Hyatt Regency Chicago, Fairmont, and Swissotel use theSouth Water St. exit and go through the Illinois Center. You canalso get off at the Van Buren station, which is below MichiganAve. between Jackson St. and Van Buren St. Taxis are availableat both locations. For train schedules, call (312) 322-6777.

Taxi. Generally, during the late afternoon and earlyevening all taxis leaving McCormick are shared. Passengers aregrouped according to destination, and cost is about $5.00 perperson. Be prepared for long waits at taxi stands during peaktimes.

Public transportation. From Michigan Ave. there aretwo bus options to get to McCormick. Look for the blue-and-whitebus stop signs. The No. 3 King Dr. bus and the No. 4 Cottage Grovebus will deliver riders to McCormick's South Hall for $1.50 oneway. The No. 3 runs from early morning to about 11:00 p.m., andthe No. 4 runs around the clock.

By car. If you're coming from the Loop or North MichiganAve., take Lake Shore Dr. south and follow the signs to McCormickPlace.

To and from O'Hare
Taxi. A taxi ride from O'Hare to McCormick or downtownwill run you about $34 without tip and could take anywhere from40 to 90 minutes, both depending on the traffic. A shared ridewill cost $15 per passenger. Be prepared to wait if you want topay by credit card, as the starter will have to call up the nearesttaxi that is willing to process the card.

Airport shuttle van. Continental Air Transport's AirportExpress operates van service to and from O'Hare. These blue-and-whitevans will take you to all major downtown hotels or McCormick Place,and run from 6:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. daily from O'Hare. The ticketcounter is located near the baggage claim area. Cost is $17 eachway, or $30 for a roundtrip. Travel time is approximately 45 minutes,but may vary depending on traffic.

Van service will run from McCormick to O'Hare daily. To checkthe schedule or arrange for pickup outside of normally scheduledtimes, call (800) 654-7871. Reservations must be made at least4 hours in advance. (See p. 8 for pickup locations.)

Public transportation. The CTA's Blue Line L train isthe fastest and cheapest way between downtown and the airport,but it can be a hassle if you're loaded with luggage. Trains leaveevery few minutes and the ride to the Loop downtown is about 45minutes. Look for handicapped access stations for easy entry andexit when you're traveling with luggage, even if it means you'llhave to grab a taxi to get you the extra few blocks to your hotel.Use the automated fare machines to purchase a fare card. The minimumpurchase price is $3, which equals two trips on the train. Customerservice assistants in the station give information, but do notsell tickets or make change.

By car. To get from O'Hare to McCormick take the NorthwestTollway (I-90) southwest to the Kennedy/Dan Ryan (I-94) to theStevenson Expressway North (I-55). Take the Stevenson north toLake Shore Dr., and follow the signs to McCormick Place.

To and from Midway
Taxi. A taxi ride to McCormick from Midway willcost between $17 and $20 without tip. However, if you tell thestarter at the taxi stand that you want to share a ride, you andthe other passengers going downtown will pay $10 each.

Airport shuttle van. Continental Air Transport's AirportExpress vans leave Midway every 15 minutes from 6:00 a.m. to 10:30p.m. daily, taking passengers to McCormick and major downtownhotels. The cost is $11 each way or $20 roundtrip. Reservationsare not required when leaving Midway, but they are required forthe return trip. Call (800) 654-7871 at least 4 hours in advance.

Public transportation. The Orange Line L trains leavethe Midway station every few minutes starting in the early morningand ending at 11:20 p.m. Scheduled travel time to the Loop isabout 30 minutes, but the hike from the terminal to the stationshould add another 10 minutes at least. Be sure to have crisp,small bills or coins on hand to buy your ticket from a vendingmachine because the CTA customer assistants do not sell ticketsor make change. The basic fare is $1.50.

By car. Take the Stevenson Expressway (I-55) north toLake Shore Dr. South. Follow the signs to McCormick Place.

Unpredictable weather. Regardless of forecasts and averages,Chicago's weather can be unpredictable. Still, the normal highsin June are around 80F, with lows of around 60F. Of course, it'snot uncommon to see tropically hot and humid days in June thatreach 100F, or to have an unseasonably cool stretch. And it'salways a good idea to bring an umbrella.

Car Rentals
If you're planning to stay at a hotel in downtown Chicago, a caris really not necessary and can be very expensive. Still, if youneed to reach some of Chicago's outlying neighborhoods or suburbs,you may want to consider it. Each of these car rental agencieshas a location at O'Hare and Midway, and in downtown Chicago.


Avis(800) 831-2847Budget (800) 527-0700Hertz(800) 654-3131National(800) 227-7368

McCormick Place. Self-parking lots are located acrossthe street from the South Hall, at 31st St. and Lake Shore Dr.Additional parking is available at the Burnham Harbor and SoldierField lots, located just north of the complex off of Lake ShoreDr., and at the Martin Luther King lot west of the complex at2215 S. Prairie Ave. Most of these lots charge $10 per entry.Parking is also available at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Placeparking garage, which can be accessed from Martin Luther KingDr. Rates for this garage vary. For more information, call (312)791-6200.

Downtown. Parking in Chicago is hard to find and veryexpensive. And don't even think about parking illegally, evenif it's just for an hour or two, because parking regulations arefiercely enforced and cars are quickly towed. Your best bets forpublic parking are the Grant Park parking garages at MichiganAve. and Van Buren and at Michigan and Monroe. Rates range from$8 to $11 a day, which is half what you'll pay elsewhere. Keepin mind that not all hotels in Chicago offer parking, and thosethat do often charge an arm and a leg. If you're out on the town,leave the car where it is and take a taxi or public transportation.If you're determined to drive, then head for someplace that offersvalet parking.

Taxis are a fairly affordable and convenient form of transportationbetween the Loop and most of the entertainment options listedin this guide; however, longer distances can get pricey. You canhail a cab from most any busy street, but if it's late or if you'veventured out of the main drag, you may need to call.


American United Cab(773) 248-7600Checker Cab (312) 243-2537Flash Cab(773) 561-1444Yellow Cab (312) 829-4222

When last we checked, the meter in Chicago cabs started at$1.60, and increased $1.40 for each mile, with a 50 cent surchargefor each additional passenger. All city taxis have a silver medallionon the hood, and drivers must post their chauffeur's license pictureID.

Water taxi. For something a little different, checkout Shoreline Sightseeing's water taxi. The operation ferriespassengers on the lake between Navy Pier and Shedd Aquarium andon the river between Navy Pier and the Sears Tower. The taxisoperate daily every half hour and cost $6 for adults.

Car Services
If you prefer to travel in style, think about hiring a privatelimousine or sedan to drive you to and from the airport. Hereare a few agencies that service both O'Hare and Midway and acceptmajor credit cards. Call ahead for cost and to make reservations.


Airport Transport Services(773) 761-7748All Select Limousine(888) 723-4999American Airport Limousine(800) 987-5413Amm's Limousine Service(773) 792-1126ExpressCar(888) 247-5466Midwest Limousine(773) 767-7099Smart Cars(312) 433-7267

Buses & Trains
The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) operates an extensive systemof trains and buses that can take you most anyplace in Chicago.Fares for the bus, subway, and L are $1.50, with an additional30 cents for a transfer that allows riders to make two transferson the bus or L within 2 hours. The CTA recently introduced anew fare-card system that automatically deducts the exact farefrom a credit-card-sized card each time you take a ride. The reusablecards can be purchased at vending machines at any CTA station.The minimum charge is $3, and the same card can be recharged continuously.Coins are also accepted; however, finding exact change can bea hassle. When you want to know how to get from where you areto where you want to go, call the CTA at 836-7000 from any areacode in the city.

The L and subway. Five major train lines are operatedwithin the city. The Blue Line (O'Hare-Congress-Douglas) runswest-northwest to O'Hare; the Red Line (Howard-Dan Ryan) runsnorth-south along the Dan Ryan Expressway; the Orange Line (Midway)runs southwest to Midway; the Brown Line (Ravenswood) runs ina northern zigzag between the Loop and Kimball; and the GreenLine (Lake-Englewood-Jackson Park) runs west-south between OakPark and Englewood. Timetables on the train platform tell whenthe next train is due to arrive.

The bus. CTA bus stops are marked by blue-and-whitesigns. Most buses run about every 10 to 20 minutes during theday. If you board a bus, make sure it's headed in the directionyou want to go, and feel free to ask the driver if it stops whereyou want to stop.

A few buses that are particularly handy for visitors are theNo. 151 Sheridan, which runs all night from Adams St. along MichiganAve. and north to Lincoln Park; the No. 10, which runs from northMichigan Ave. to the Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, and the Science& Industry Museum; and the No. 3, which stops at McCormick Place.Beware of express buses during peak commuter times that bypassregularly traveled streets, and don't get on a Pace bus unlessyou're planning to visit the suburbs.

Inside McCormick

McCormick Place is North America's largest convention facility.The complex is made up of three buildings-the South Building andthe North Building, across the Grand Concourse from one another,and the East Building (now called the Lakeside Center), accessibleby a covered walkway. NPE 2000 will take advantage of more than1.1 million net sq ft of this space, filling all three halls (fivelevels in total) with 1800 exhibitors. Many services are foundin the 50,000-sq-ft pedestrian promenade of the Grand Concourse.

As IMM discovered at the '97 NPE show, getting fromone corner of McCormick to the other, or worse yet, out to yourcar in the Burnham Harbor parking lot, can be a hike. For instance,the distance from the southwest corner of the South Hall to theBurnham lot is 1.19 miles; about 25 minutes to walk. To get fromthe center of the Grand Concourse to the northeast corner of theNorth Hall is .26 mile or 7:05 minutes; to the southwest cornerof South it's .30 mile or 6:45 minutes. Bring along your walkingshoes.

There are plenty of places to fuel up in the complex, whetheryou're looking for a cold beer, a hot cup of coffee, a slice ofpizza, or an ice cream cone. And a variety of services are offered,including a full-service business center. By the end of the week,you might want to search out the relaxation center, which offersonsite massage and upper bodywork. Of course, if you just needa minute or two to clear your head, go sit by the mesmerizingfountains just inside the main entrance at the west end of theGrand Concourse. For a louder water experience, head over to theeast end of the concourse.

Coffee & Eats
Grand Concourse
Café North. Here's a great place to grab a quick, premadesandwich, salad, or beverage. Carryout or eat-in. Located at thewest entrance to the North building.

Bar North. A full bar is offered along with a limitedmenu for breakfast and lunch. Located at the east entrance tothe North building.

Miller Inn. The perfect place to meet friends for abeer and appetizers during or after the show. Located in the retailarea on Level 2.5.

Ryba's Fudge Shop. Need a little snack? Ryba's offersa fabulous assortment of freshly made fudge and chocolate foryour enjoyment. Ice cream, milk shakes, frozen yogurt, nuts, andcandies round out this menu. Seating is available. Located inthe retail area on Level 2.5.

The Plate Room Food Court. Various stations offer everythingfrom burgers to ethnic dishes, including a large salad bar andother health conscious offerings; lots of seating. Located onthe southwest side of Level 2.5.

Starbucks Coffee. Let a Starbucks barrista start yourday off right! Located on Level 2.5.

South Building
Café A1 and A2. Both spots offer a neat view of theshow floor and serve a variety of hot and cold sandwiches, salads,and beverages. Located in the center of the exhibition hall.

Bar South. A full bar and televisions will help youkeep on top of the latest news and scores. Located at the northend of the Transportation lobby, lowest level.

Café South. Grab a quick sandwich, salad, orsnack at this place; open for breakfast and lunch. Carryout oreat-in. Located at the south end of the Transportation lobby.

North Building
Connie's. Featuring Chicago's own Connie's pizza along witha variety of other Italian favorites. Located on Level 2.

McDonald's Express. An old, reliable standby. If theline is back as far as the door, it will take only 6 minutes toget to the order station. Located on the Level 2 lobby.

East Building/Lakeside Center
Kaplan's Restaurant. Offers a limited selection of deli sandwiches,salads, and beverages. Located on Level 1.

Lorenzo Restaurant. Another alternative for Italianfavorites, sandwiches, and Connie's pizza. Located on Level 1.

Executive Express & Bar. Combination coffee shop andbar that features Starbucks coffee and all your favorite spirits.Located on the Level 2 lobby.

Lakeside Café. With a spectacular view of LakeMichigan and the skyline, this is a perfect place to escape thebustle for a quick lunch and beverage. Located on Level 3.

Business Services
The main Business Center is located in the South Building, Level2.5 (on the Grand Concourse). The services don't come cheap, butit certainly is convenient. It's open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.;(312) 791-6480; fax (312) 791-6501. Get office supplies and theseservices:

  • Copies: 1-100 pages, $.15 b/w, $2.00 color, each.

  • Mailing and shipping services: UPS, FedEx, Same Day Air, and courier delivery.

  • Use of faxes, computers and printers, including Internet access.

  • Rental cell phones ($4.95/day, plus $1.50 minimum airtime charges) and pagers or two-way radios ($9.95/day); call in advance to ensure availability and to get a number before you arrive.

  • Fax services: first page is $4.00; additional pages are $2.00; for international, add $1.00 to those fees. To receive a fax at the listed numbers you'll pay $3.00 for the first page, $1.00 for each additional page.

Other locations: North Building, Level 2 (across from McDonald'sExpress), (312) 808-3142, fax (312) 808-3144; and East/LakesideCenter, Level 2 (in front of Gate 31), (312) 791-6400, fax (312)791-6468. Both have similar offerings, without the Internet access.

If you have a middle-of-the-night inspiration (and happen tobe staying at the Hyatt next door), a 24-hour self-serve ConvenienceCenter is located across from the South Building Business Center,next to the Metra entrance. Here you'll find self-service copying,an ATM, vending machines, change machine, fax capability, stampmachine, phone cards, printer port, and Internet access. Level2.5, Grand Concourse.

Business cards. If you run out of cards, a machine inthe Convenience Center will make you 50 personal cards in oneof 14 patterns for $15. Level 2.5, Grand Concourse.

Other Essential Services
Relaxation Station. Onsite massage is offered forneck and shoulders or legs and feet. Sessions run between 10 and30 minutes; it's $14 for a 10-minute neck-and-shoulders or feet-and-lower-legstune-up; you can get both for $27. If you just can't make it outof your distant corner of the hall, there's even a masseuse whowill come to you for $60/hour, with chair. Located on Level 2.5,Grand Concourse.

K&J Shoe Repair. Need a shoe shine? This parlor offersdrop-off or as-you-wait service. If your shoes need repair, K&J offerssame day turnaround. Shoelaces are in stock. Prices: shoeshine,$4.00; boots, $5.00. Located on Level 2.5, Grand Concourse.

First aid stations. Provides wheelchair-accessible stationsthat are fully equipped. One located in each building.

Concierge desk. Offers building and service information.Located at the west entrance to the Grand Concourse; (312) 791-7104.

Chicago Sports & Novelty. Featuring a line of Chicagosports apparel and souvenirs, Illinois lottery tickets, and anextensive line of sundries, from film or disposable cameras topost cards and over-the-counter medications like that aspirinyou desperately need. You can even find luggage wheels and footcushions! There's a store located in each building: Level 2.5,Grand Concourse; Level 2 lobby, North; Level 2 lobby, East/LakesideCenter.

Public lockers. Level 2, East.

Services for visitors with disabilities. Wheelchairs,information booths, designated parking, TDD telephones, and otherservices, (312) 791-7252.

Vending machines. For your convenience, food and beveragevending machines that are accessible 24 hours a day are locatedthroughout all three buildings.

ATMs. Located in each building: Level 2.5, Grand Concourse;Level 2 lobby, North; Level 2 lobby, East.

Restaurant menus and reservations. The Chicago Convention& Visitor's Bureau runs a kiosk where you can peruse Chicago restaurantmenus; the hostess will also make reservations for you. The mainkiosk is located on the Level 2 lobby, across from McDonald's;the other two locations in East and South also have informationabout area attractions, but no reservation service.

U.S. postage. Postage is available from a vending machinelocated on the Level 2.5, Grand Concourse at the 24-hour conveniencecenter opposite the Business Center. Outgoing mail can be droppedoff in the Business Center.

A Stone's Throw Away
Bank. Hardware. South Loop Ace Hardware,725 S. State St.; Mon.-Fri. 8-8, Sat. 8-6:30, Sun. 10-6; (312)461-0900.

Tailor. Como Store for Men, 7 days a week while-you-waitservice. 613 W. Roosevelt; (312) 243-6045.

24-hour Kinko's. There are 12 Kinko's in the downtownarea. The closest one to McCormick is at 1242 S. Canal; (312)455-0920.

24-hour florist. Amling's, (888) 265-4647.

24-hour pharmacy. Osco, 6426 W. Irving Park Rd.; (773)725-9226.

Beyond the Show

Chicago is actually a very user-friendly and safe city. Findingyour way around can be pretty simple if you keep a few basicsin mind. For starters, the lake is always east! The city is laidout in a grid with the intersection of State and Madison streetsmarking ground zero. The Loop is the heart of downtown, the city'sfinancial nerve center, and is a mecca for cultural and commercialactivities. You're in the Loop if you're south and east of theChicago River, north of Roosevelt St., and west of Lake Michigan.The Magnificent Mile, on the other hand, is glitzier and is theplace to go for shopping. It's also where you'll find the famedWater Tower, the Wrigley Building, the Tribune Tower, and theJohn Hancock Center. The Mag Mile starts at the river and runsnorth to Oak St.

If you wander out of the downtown area you'll see that Chicagois made up of small, diverse, and colorful neighborhoods, somemore inviting than others. For instance, if you head north pastOak St. you'll travel through some of the upscale areas-Gold Coast,Old Town, and Lincoln Park. However, if you turn northwest fromthe Mag Mile, crossing Division and turning west of Orleans, youcould end up in Cabrini Green, which, although undergoing a recentfacelift, isn't necessarily the safest place to be as a tourist,especially at night. It's best to consult a map before you headout too far. McCormick Place is east of Chinatown and about twomiles south of the Loop. It's too far to walk to from the Loop,but is easily accessible by train, bus, taxi, and car.

The city is full of great experiences, so if your feet feelup to it after walking the miles of aisles at the show, head overto the Art Institute on Tuesday when it's open until 8:00 p.m.;or take a ride on the Ferris wheel on Navy Pier and enjoy theview. At the very least, be sure to eat well.

More than just a steak-and-potatoes town, Chicago serves upauthentic and tasty food of all varieties, including some of thebest Greek and Italian food around. We've tried to cover someof downtown's notables on the following pages. You'll also finda good selection of nightlife options, whether you're lookingto sip a beer, take in some jazz music, or dance it up.

Where to Eat
Many of the restaurants covered here fall into the moderate toexpensive price range and reservations are generally recommended.It will be difficult to get into many of the more trendy and high-profilespots during the week of NPE, so go ahead and make your reservationsnow. Be sure to confirm once or twice before you show up. Chicagois also full of budget eats ranging from familiar chain restaurantsto local corner delis. If you can't find what you're looking forhere, check with your hotel's concierge or follow the crowds.

Top of the Line
Experiencing the best that Chicago has to offer does not comecheap, so be prepared to dress up and hand over that credit cardat these budget-busting hot spots, which rank among the best diningexperiences in the city. Reservations are essential this week.

Charlie Trotter's. Though it's a bit out of the downtownrestaurant arena, Charlie Trotter's is a critically beloved Chicagoinstitution. Serving up nouvelle cuisine, this place is a truefine dining experience. 816 W. Armitage Ave.; (773) 248-6228.

Everest. Located on the top floor of the Chicago StockExchange, this elegant restaurant offers great city views, wonderfulFrench food, and an impressive selection of wine. 440 S. LaSalleSt., 40th Floor; (312) 663-8920.

Printer's Row. Innovative game dishes highlight thissouth-of-the-Loop spot, which offers a variety of regional Americanfare. 550 S. Dearborn St.; (312) 461-0780.

Rhapsody. Located in the Loop's CSO Symphony Center,Rhapsody offers contemporary American fare at surprisingly reasonableprices given the quality of the food and elegant atmosphere. 65E. Adams St.; (312) 786-9911.

Riva. Located on Navy Pier, this seafood restaurantoffers excellent views of the city and lake. Steak and pasta dishesare also offered. 700 W. Grand Ave.; (312) 644-7482.

Spiaggia. If you like contemporary Italian, you can'tgo wrong with whatever you order at this award-winning, MichiganAve. hot spot, which offers great food and great views. 980 N.Michigan Ave.; (312) 280-2750.

Tru. One of the hottest and most critically acclaimednew restaurants on the scene, Tru serves up French-influencedcuisine. Critics have called this dining experience perfection.676 N. St. Clair St.; (312) 202-0001.

Also worth a visit:
Blackbird. 619 W. Randolph St.; (312) 715-0708.
Vivo. 838 W. Randolph St.; (312) 733-3379.

Attention Meat Lovers
Chicago Chop House. The New York strip is worth bragging aboutat this River North steakhouse, which ranks among the best inChicago. Compared to others in its class, namely Morton's andThe Palm, it is also among the best values. 60 W. Ontario St.;(312) 787-7100.

Grace. If you're in the mood for something a littlemore exotic than grain-fed beef, then head to this establishment,where the menu offers wild boar, pheasant, buffalo, rabbit, andvenison, among others. 623 W. Randolph St.; (312) 928-9200.

Morton's of Chicago. The porterhouse gets special attentionat this meat lover's paradise, which consistently ranks amongthe best steakhouses in the city. Huge portions. Newbury Plaza,1050 N. State St.; (312) 266-4820.

The Palm. Sharing is the name of the game at The Palm,where a 36-oz New York strip is the house specialty. Views aregood also, as the patio at the Swissotel location offers a glimpseof the Lake. 323 E. Wacker Dr.; (312) 616-1000.

Prairie. Located in the Hya

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