Optical sorter detects black specsOptical sorter detects black specs
January 1, 2006
Optical sorting equipment capable of spotting material contamination as small as .1-by-.1 mm in resin with a 99% effective rate detects black specks in resin used in optically sensitive applications like transparent film or optical-storage media. The system works by spreading the material stream over a conveyor so there is one layer, which passes under high-resolution cameras that spot contaminant materials as small as 100 µm.
Any defective granulate that is detected is blown from the material stream by a system of 256 high-performance jets, featuring a reaction time of less than 1 msec so that 4000 shots/second is achievable with total material throughputs of 2500 kg/hr possible.
Scan&Sort GmbH, Wedel, Germany
+49 4103 92010; www.scansort.de
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