Parting Shots: Cycle time 3970Parting Shots: Cycle time 3970
April 1, 2002
Ever wonder if your peers are having the same kind of day you are? IMM asked Maureen Steinwall of Steinwall Inc. to document a week's activities. In addition to overseeing the company's 20 presses (28 to 300 tons) and 49 employees, Maureen Steinwall also created training software called Orient Me! for the SPI through an ancillary company, T Power 3 LLC, in Minneapolis. Steinwall dedicates about 25 percent of her time to capturing and creating knowledge segments (training curriculum) for her company.
8:00 a.m. Breakfast with husband
8:40 Arrived at work
8:50 Talked with computer staff re: computer hardware problems
9:00 Checked e-mail
9:10 Checked voicemail
9:20 Paid bills, expense report
9:30 Reviewed company e-newsletter (preparing to send out this week)
9:50 Telephone call—school board member discussion
10:00 Met with potential new customer: tour and lunch
1:00 p.m. Checked voicemail, e-mail
1:20 Signed A/P checks, reviewed bills
1:30 Opened mail; threw most away
1:40 Went into voice recording for a new training segment
3:00 Break for coffee, conversation
3:20 Walked around to say hi to second shift
3:40 Back into voice recording
5:10 Home
8:00 a.m. Reviewed e-newsletter again
8:20 Reviewed things-to-do list
8:30 Talked with sales engineer about upcoming trade show booth
9:10 Responded to e-mail
9:20 Discussed issues with quality manager
9:30 Recorded more training segments
11:10 Finished recording
11:20 Break
11:30 Checked e-mail, voicemail
11:40 Met with supplier from Bayer
12:00 p.m. Prepared an invoice to customer for a special project
12:10 Read an article titled "Survival of the Fittest Organization"
12:30 Lunch with vp engineering
1:40 Reviewed inbasket, e-mail
1:50 Worked with controller on 1099s and electrical rebate
3:00 Replied to attorney on annual meeting minutes
3:20 Talked with vp of operations on production levels
3:50 Started writing the memo for insertion into the paychecks
4:20 Break
4:40 Reviewed purchase orders
4:50 Back to writing
5:30 Home
8:20 a.m. Voicemail, e-mail
8:30 Coffee
8:40 Reviewed new e-mail/Internet company policy
9:00 Met with General Polymers and DuPont
11:00 Edited the payroll memo
11:50 Talked with SPI/Natl. Plastics Center & Museum re: PlastiVan
12:00 p.m. Worked with Lisa on upcoming trade show—booth layout
12:10 Lunch with sales engineer
1:10 Finished payroll memo
1:50 Returned telephone calls 2:00 Ordered a book online—Costing Human Resources
2:10 Greeted 401K representative
2:30 401K employee presentation
3:20 Reviewed 401K plan details
4:30 Reviewed, finished training piece
4:50 Answered e-mails
5:20 Home
8:20 a.m. Bank appointment
9:50 Inspected building from vandalism last night—three windows
10:10 Sent out the first ever electronic newsletter
10:20 Spoke with plant manager re: disciplinary action—two operators
10:40 Talked with vp of operations on shifting labor to match orders
11:00 E-mail
11:10 Talked with purchasing agent re: a supplier issue
11:30 Completed a NAM survey on financial credit
11:50 Spoke with teacher from alternative high school program re: leadership
12:00 p.m. Talked with new receptionist re: job quality—good job!
12:40 Lunch
1:30 Left for meeting at the University of Minnesota
1:40 Business school undergraduate advisory meeting
5:00 Met with PhD professor re: course
8:30 a.m. Inbasket
8:40 E-mail
8:50 Call with accountant re: 1099
9:10 Walked around
9:30 Spoke with Technical College
regarding plastics program
10:40 Read training scripts
11:00 Talked with Susan from SPI re: safety software
11:20 Talked with plant manager re: tech school program
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:10 Booked travel online for trip
1:30 Updated Palm Pilot with business cards
2:00 Paid bills
2:30 Financial statements
3:30 Home
If you'd like to submit your week to Cycle Time, contact Amie Chitwood at (303) 321-2322 or [email protected].
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