Process monitoring at the machine
March 1, 2006
A new operator terminal for a process-monitoring system allows for manual or automatic entry of downtime causes, scrap counts, and scrap reasons. The machine interface unit (MIU) can perform these functions on an automatic basis, and the MIU Level Z terminal can process all the basic data required in rudimentary production monitoring, including planning and scheduling systems.
The terminal?s two-line digital display and keyboard allow processors to receive or enter information at the machine, with the MIU dedicated to a single processing machine. In the past, the manufacturer?s entry-level MIUs were tied to 16 machines, so that operators making manual entries would have to go to a central location. Now, for less than $850, processors can assign a terminal to each machine, easing data entry and monitoring.
The MIU Level Z terminal can function with other operator terminals supported by the manufacturer?s Man-A-ger and ShopPro systems, including the MIU Level 0 family of multimachine terminals, which support four, eight, or 16 machines with data retrieval and entry via a color touch-screen display.
Mattec Corp., Loveland, OH
(513) 683-1802;
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