Ube Machinery showcases energy efficiency, repeatability, and cycle reduction through servo offeringsUbe Machinery showcases energy efficiency, repeatability, and cycle reduction through servo offerings
It’s twenty years since Japan’s Ube Machinery commenced the manufacture of large injection molding machines in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Come NPE 2015 and the machine builder will be exhibiting one of the plants latest offerings; a 1000-ton full servo-hydraulic UBE Servomax US1000 machine; at Booth W603.
January 27, 2015
It’s twenty years since Japan’s Ube Machinery commenced the manufacture of large injection molding machines in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Come NPE 2015 and the machine builder will be exhibiting one of the plants latest offerings; a 1000-ton full servo-hydraulic UBE Servomax US1000 machine; at Booth W603.
Ube Machinery manufactures large servo-hydraulic injection presses at its facility in Ann Arbor, MI. |
UBE manufactures Servomax machines in toggle clamp configuration from 1000 to 2500 tons. The closed loop machines reportedly save up to 70% in energy consumption compared with hydraulic machines and contribute to reduced cycle times and enhanced repeatability.
The second machine on show at the Ube booth is the all-electric UBE UN950. All-electric injection molding machines from Ube are available in clamping forces of 720-3900 tons. These machines reportedly offer energy saving potential up to 85% compared with hydraulic presses.
Ube also manufactures Ube Servomax UU II, two-platen injection molding machines with clamping forces of 2750-7000 tons.
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