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DuPont Performance Materials tightens collaboration ties with Aachen instituteDuPont Performance Materials tightens collaboration ties with Aachen institute

DuPont Performance Materials (Wilmington, DE) is extending its existing partnership with the Aachen Centre for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) to a “Premium Partnership," the company has announced. The new partnership status will bring a number of changes, not the least of which is DuPont’s decision to co-locate its research activities on the RWTH Aachen University campus. The AZL is one of the university’s more than 260 institutes.

Karen Laird

March 1, 2016

2 Min Read
DuPont Performance Materials tightens collaboration ties with Aachen institute

As the pioneer of polymer science with a legacy in innovation, DuPont uses science to create breakthrough solutions to address major societal challenges—such as lightweighting.

DuPontAtAZL_Team.jpgDuPont is a founding partner of AZL, which was launched in 2012 to meet the increasing demand for mass production of lightweight, highly stable, chemically resistant components, mainly used for transportation-related applications. Since then, AZL has developed significant lightweight expertise. The focus is on research and development in the area of light design in mass production, with a view to helping the composites industry develop tomorrow’s lightweight production technology.

Moving to AZL demonstrates DuPont’s ongoing commitment to collaborative research with academic institutions and industry partners as a means to better match market needs with commercially viable innovation. Co-locating on the RWTH Aachen University campus will give DuPont Performance Materials better access to the work of AZL research partners, such as the world renowned Plastics Processing Institute (IKV).  It will also foster further collaboration and ideas generation with other companies based on site.

“We are extremely excited that our excellent long-term partnership with DuPont is taking a step up to a new level,” said University Professor Dr. Ing Christian Hopmann, Head of the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) and Founding Professor of the AZL.

“We believe that the proximity will be a rich source of inspiration for all parties involved and that DuPont can take better advantage of AZL’s and IKV´s research excellence and its scientific and industrial network to grow its business.”

Co-location is an emerging collaboration model of increasing strategic importance.  It deliberately brings together academic and industry research in a dedicated space to stimulate bigger and broader breakthroughs from a commercial, technological and human perspective that go beyond what can be achieved through traditional bilateral projects.

“Co-locating our activities in Aachen is a first ever in Europe for DPM and represents a paradigm shift in how we do research and new business development,” added Ernst Poppe, Business Development Manager DuPont Performance Materials.

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