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Evantic Broadens Advanced Plastics Processing Expertise with PDF BuyEvantic Broadens Advanced Plastics Processing Expertise with PDF Buy

Plastic Distributors and Fabricators (PDF) manufactures high-precision, difficult-to-machine plastic components for the life sciences, semiconductor, aerospace, defense, and clean energy markets.

Posted by Staff

July 27, 2023

1 Min Read
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Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Evantic, a portfolio company of Edgewater Capital Partners, announced on July 25 that it has acquired Plastic Distributors and Fabricators LLC (PDF). PDF is a manufacturer of high-precision, difficult-to-machine plastic components, and its acquisition aligns with Evantic’s strategic positioning as an advanced materials and design engineered components platform.

Located in Haverhill, MA, PDF's field of expertise is in prototyping and manufacturing dimensionally complex parts with tight tolerances for demanding operating environments. Applications include covers, frames, housings, caps, filters, separators, gaskets, rings, wheels, and other structural components in the life sciences, semiconductor, aerospace, defense, and clean energy markets.

Houston-based Evantic said it will fold PDF into its portfolio of high-performance engineered solutions suppliers, which includes Altamira Material Solutions, Precision Fluorocarbon, and Vertec Polymers.

New and existing customers will benefit from additional capabilities in CNC machining, thermoforming, and 3D printing; rapid prototyping; engineering and machining expertise to tolerances of +/- 0.0005 inches; and an expanded geographical footprint.

“Altamira, PFI, Vertec, and now PDF further solidify Evantic as a unique organization with the scale, capability, and expertise to offer exceptional polymer solutions to high-value, mission-critical applications from prototype to serial production,” said Sarita Gavhane, a principal at Edgewater Capital Partners, in a prepared statement.

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