May 1, 2000
Booth E-11803
What's Hot! Mold Medic is a new precision welding apparatus for repairing damaged molds with metal powders or pastes. System uses resistance welding through high-energy discharges, creating low thermal effect so there is no distortion or deformation of the mold.
Also new are electrically and pneumatically operated hand polishing machines and tools from Minitor and Diprofil.
Existing Products On Display will include Hyprez diamond compounds, stones, sticks, felt bobs, files and a variety of other mold and die finishing equipment and supplies.
Cool Booth Details Company will be giving away 2-gram sample syringes of Hyprez diamond compound. Circle 254
Booth Personnel Peter Marinkovic, Don Schmidt
Key Contact Peter Marinkovic, Prod. Mgr. or Don Schmidt, Tech. Asst. Tel: 847-808-9400;
E-mail: [email protected]
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