Direct modeling CAD package boasts improved IGES importing
Kubotek USA (Malborough, MA) has officially released its latest iteration of 3D Direct CAD software: KeyCreator 2011; supporting 64-bit architecture, new and improved dynamic editing, and a fully re-engineered IGES translator that imports files more quickly and accurately than previous KeyCreator versions, as well as in comparison to a widely used history-based modeling programs.
February 25, 2011
Kubotek USA (Malborough, MA) has officially released its latest iteration of 3D Direct CAD software: KeyCreator 2011; supporting 64-bit architecture, new and improved dynamic editing, and a fully re-engineered IGES translator that imports files more quickly and accurately than previous KeyCreator versions, as well as in comparison to a widely used history-based modeling programs.
With the 64-bit version, KeyCreator 2011 can work easily with more data and larger files giving users even more productivity power. KeyCreator 2011 file size is only limited by the amount of memory available on the PC.
According to Don Bedwell of Thorncreek Engineer LLC, "As a longtime Kubotek customer, we can honestly say the KeyCreator 2011 64-bit version has unleashed our equipment and imagination. We draw what we want to draw, we render what we want to render, and we serve customers in the time frame that they should be served in. Equipment RAM is used to its fullest and software lag time is almost none."
KeyCreator imports the most common CAD file types and works with them as if they were created within KeyCreator. Based on Kubotek's market surveys, IGES is one of the most widely used file formats for KeyCreator customers where non-native data are shared between companies. Updating the outdated IGES format, therefore, became high priority for Kubotek customers. The re-engineered IGES technology provides faster importing and better overall accuracy, stitching and healing to produce solids compared to other IGES products on the market. In addition to easily supporting IGES modeling, KeyCreator 2011 also provides IGES file detailing and Product Management Information (PMI), and even exports references as an assembly.
New dynamic editing features include Dynamic Free Array and Linear Array functions to quickly copy and locate components and features throughout a model or assembly. These tools are said to add flexibility for model transformations.-[email protected]
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