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DuPont Packaging selects judges for DuPont Awards for packaging innovationDuPont Packaging selects judges for DuPont Awards for packaging innovation

DuPont has picked the judges who will decide which packaging solutions demonstrate excellence in technological advancement, responsible packaging and enhanced user experience from the pool of global nominations for its annual packaging awards.

PlasticsToday Staff

January 8, 2015

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"This panel is instrumental in keeping the industry's longest running, independently judged awards program competitive and relevant," said Yasmin Siddiqi, global packaging relationship manager, DuPont. "The judges represent different parts of the value chain and different geographies so they can bring a broad and diverse perspective that enables them to thoroughly assess which ones are game-changing packaging innovations."

For innovators looking to nominate their packaging solutions, the competition remains open until Feb. 2.  Entry forms and guidelines are available at packagingawards.dupont.com.

Members of the 2015 judging panel include:

  • Roza Altin - packaging development director, Yildiz Holding, Turkey 

  • Hung Le - vice president, global innovation engagement, MeadWestvaco (MWV), USA

  • David Luttenberger, CPP, global packaging director, Mintel Group, Ltd., USA and lead judge

  • Paul Pezzoli, vice president, global packaging innovation & technology, Kellogg Company, USA

  • Pat Reynolds, vice president and editor, Packaging World, USA 

  • Jane Skelton, head of print and packaging, Sainsbury, UK 

  • Nandlal Tiwari, head of packaging development, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Singapore

  • George Wofford, vice president, core R&D, Sealed Air, USA 

  • Romulo Zamberlan, head of packaging development, Natura, Brazil 

"One of the unique things about the DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation is that judges represent such a variety of industry knowledge and expertise and perspective," said David Luttenberger, this year's lead judge. "A great judging panel helps build credibility for the award, and year over year, DuPont manages to build a fresh panel who deliberate on what is truly innovative.  As a result, you earn a DuPont Award, you don't just win it."

Judges will spend three days together in March reviewing and debating entries from around the world. In advance of this session, each judge prepares and presents an in-depth review of a group of entries based on excellence in one or all of these areas: technological advancement, responsible packaging and enhanced user experience.

"The judging process is robust and the face-to-face opportunity gives us a chance to not only interact, but to touch, feel and experience the packaging as the consumer would," Luttenberger said. "That's imperative to the process."              

Brand owners, retailers, packaging designers, converters and technology providers from around the world are encouraged to enter new packaging that has been commercialized since Jan. 1, 2013.  There is no fee for entry and DuPont materials do not need to be in the packaging structure. Winners will be honored at a ceremony on May 14, 2015. 

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