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American Starlinger-Sahm moves into new headquartersAmerican Starlinger-Sahm moves into new headquarters

American Starlinger-Sahm Inc. has recently opened its doors to its new North American headquarters located in Fountain Inn, SC. The new location is 23,000-sq-ft where there is a machine exhibition area, spare parts warehouse and room for office space.

PlasticsToday Staff

June 24, 2015

1 Min Read
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American Starlinger-Sahm Inc. has recently opened its doors to its new North American headquarters located in Fountain Inn, SC. The new location is 23,000-sq-ft where there is a machine exhibition area, spare parts warehouse and room for office space.

The facility will offer the full range of products and services. Over the course of the summer machinery from Starlinger textile packaging, Starlinger recycling technology, Starlinger viscotec and Sahm will be on display in the new machine exhibition area for demonstration runs and material trials. “A recoSTAR universal recycling line, the viscoSHEET and deCON equipment, and Sahm winders will be available to our customers for demonstration runs and trials,” adds Cranford.

AmericanStarlingerSahmInc_HeadquartersFountainInn_300dpiCMYK.jpg“North America is an important market with strong growth potential both in woven plastic packaging production and in plastics recycling. In our new headquarters with its machine exhibition area our customers can see Starlinger and Sahm machinery in operation and make test runs with their respective input materials,” says Jimmy Cranford, President of American Starlinger-Sahm, Inc.

There will be a Grand Opening that will be held as a 2-day event on September 23 and 24, 2015. Starlinger and Sahm customers will have the opportunity to network, attend expert lectures on textile packaging, recycling and winding technology and witness live machine demonstrations with customer materials. The official inauguration ceremony will take place on the evening of September 23, 2015, and will be attended by local dignitaries and experts from the plastics industry.

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