Plastic Waste as ArtPlastic Waste as Art
Our curated virtual exhibit of artistry from discarded plastics sourced from Tweets.
October 14, 2020

Have visits to museums been off-limits due to the pandemic? Here’s a modest but curated virtual substitute from social media of artistry from discarded plastics.
In June my Plan A to attend an exhibition of art created from recycled items was thwarted, as numerous such things have been universally for most humans since earlier this year by COVID-19.
My attendance was as much for my own interest as it was to blog my experience for this publication.
Alas, the best-laid plans of mice and men…however, a much-belated Plan B came to mind this week: A virtual exhibition via Twitter of Tweets wherein recycled plastics intersect with art. It seems to be quite a thing as you’ll see in the following examples.
Strawpocalypse by artist Benjamin Von Wong is made from 168,000 plastic straws collected from beach cleanups, according to the HuffPost.
How about “infoart”?
Lastly, a slight off-topic bonus of art created from virgin materials rather than waste — I’ll consider it artistic license – that’s just too cool not to include. I call this Etchings on Extruded Sheet.
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