Simple, Affordable Process Monitoring System Developed for Injection MoldingSimple, Affordable Process Monitoring System Developed for Injection Molding
Modeled after its popular ComoNeo system, Kistler’s ComoScout is designed for molders that previously shied away from investing in process monitoring.
September 6, 2022

A new process monitoring system for injection molding machines is designed to focus on signals coming from the injection molding machine or sensors other than cavity pressure sensors. Simple to use and cost effective, the ComoScout is said to open up applications for manufacturers that previously shied away from investing in process monitoring. It also paves a pathway toward “smart” manufacturing for molders running older machines.
Process monitoring systems stabilize the production process and reduce waste through early detection of scrap. Defective parts are identified, sorted, and recycled, avoiding secondary costs and waste, said Kistler in the news release.
Despite these benefits, some manufacturers have not adopted process monitoring systems. In some cases, they are working with industries that don't require high precision and the manufacturers accept a certain amount of waste. They don't see the value in a process monitoring system. ComoScout offers a solution: For a reportedly moderate initial investment, injection molders can procure a process monitoring system that has the same look and feel as Kistler’s ComoNeo device and offers some similar monitoring functions.
The investment will more than pay for itself when retrofitting older machines with a modern data gateway, added Kistler. ComoScout creates a direct OPC UA interface to deliver data from analog machines to manufacturing execution systems or higher-level software.
ComoScout can also benefit some sectors, such as the packaging industry, which are not accustomed to using cavity sensors, according to Kistler.
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