Plastics Tweets with a TwistPlastics Tweets with a Twist
Discovered in the Twitterverse: World's smartest facemask, PLA microsponge, 17,000+ printed toys, artistic Lego wave, robotic creatures, tracking bottles, 3D-printed spiderwebs, and more.

The plastics business and the news that surrounds it are global in reach and wider in breadth, which is why a key role of PlasticsToday editors is to select the content of greatest value for the benefit of the collective you, our valued readers.
Yet there's a limit to what we can report, which is only a small, but important fraction of what's happening. Which is why we’ve created this new stream to bring you additional news in a timely fashion. Rather than follow the categorization dictates required by the website, you'll find below an eclectic mix of fresh Tweets from opposite ends of the spectrum: Unexpected breakthroughs paired with lighter news, though even the latter is intended to kindle your thinking as much as it tweaks your funny bone.
As we update the stream regularly, our hope is that you’ll be edutained by what you see.
Reusable clear facemask with UV cleaning/charging station offers active ventilation, built-in mic/amplifier combo and more…and it's made of recycled plastic.
Robotic creatures made of PU-coated nylon fabric.
DJ Madlib displays his unwavering commitment to vinyl.
Madlib on a plane.
— Mark Farina (@djmarkfarina) November 29, 2020
A whale of a tale: A Metro train overran a stop, coming to a halt 30 feet above ground on a huge plastic tail. Believe it or not, the sculpture’s official name is Saved by theWhale's tale.
A remarkable view from inside a plastic bottle.
Is this the future of live events in a pandemic? Rock band Flaming Lips may have the solution, and plastics made it possible
Hot topics of ocean plastic, robotics, and 3D printing come together...
As we celebrate Manufacturing Day 2020 in the midst of a pandemic and high unemployment, it's worth remembering that all of this, too, shall pass. In fact, as this tweet points out, the manufacturing sector will need to fill millions of well-paying jobs over the next decade. Spread the word!
Plastic’s crowning achievement?
A big breakthrough in scaled-down 3D printing.
Lego was all over the news on Sept. 15, 2020, when it announced that it would phase out plastics in its packaging in favor of paper. Starting in 2021, paper-based bags will start showing up in Lego boxes instead of single-use plastics, the toymaker announced. The bags have been in development for more than two years and are part of the company's $400 million investment in sustainability initatives over the next three years. Lego acted on this because it had received "lots of letters from children asking why we still use single-use plastic in our boxes," said Tim Brooks, Vice President of Environmental Responsibility at Lego. Be that as it may, this tweet reminded me, in a funny way, of an annoyance that parents, this time, share regarding Lego. I don't see a ready solution, however.
Reuse and recycle can be fashionable, but we didn’t even know there was a Bin Bag Challenge.
Breaking format here, but I just had to share this Instagram pic from plastique.fantastique showing a COVID-safe picnic. It gives a whole new meaning to living in a bubble!
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