April 16, 2003
Manufacturers of food containers have introduced many innovative designs and applications in recent years, but their paramount concern above aesthetics remains FDA compliance. Specifically, manufacturers must prove that the packaging won’t migrate or leak into the food product, especially when heated. This not only applies to the material used for the packaging but any printing inks, labels, closures, adhesives, and seals as well.
Suitable materials can be determined using Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. More specifically, Parts 170 to 199 list substances cleared for food contact. Material adhesives and coatings can be found in Part 175 and polymers are in Part 177. Listed materials are cleared, but independent labs can perform tests to make sure the material supplier has sent compliant resins. Using extraction or solubility tests, compliance can be verified.
Tests can depend on how the FDA has classified the food that will be packaged. There are nine food types depending on the amount of acid, fat, or alcohol present. Tests are also affected by conditions of use, and these include high temperature, heat sterilization, hot-filling or pasteurization, and room temperature, refrigerated, or frozen use.
Manufacturers hoping to use materials not listed in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) are required to perform a very specific test regimen know as a Food Contact Notification (FCN). All tests must be performed in triplicate, and they involve immersing the new material in heated solvents. Gas and high-pressure liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry are among the tests used to determine particulate infiltration. Given the equipment and savvy needed to perform these tests, many processors are turning to independent testing labs to perform and audit the requisite exams.
The National Food Laboratory, Dublin CA
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