Friday Funnies: Plastic is good foodFriday Funnies: Plastic is good food
Living in Southern California, one is exposed to a veritable buffet of eating habits. It wouldn't occur to my wife and me to throw a dinner party without first inquiring about food allergies or elective dietary restrictions. However puzzling—and, let's face it, self-induigent—the requests may be, we go with it. But I think the gastronomical predilections of 23-year-old Robert from Tennessee, featured on TLC's My Strange Addiction, would raise a few eyebrows even in live-and-let-live So Cal. Robert eats plastic bags, as many as 16 a week.
January 24, 2014
, would raise a few eyebrows even in live-and-let-live So Cal. Robert eats plastic bags, as many as 16 a week. Thus far, he has consumed 60,000 plastic bags, enough to cover a football field, which is a disquieting thought as we gear up for Super Bowl Sunday.
The thin plastic bags that envelop home-delivered newspapers are, apparently, a delicacy. He prefers them over grocery bags, which are "a bit rougher," says Robert. Good to know that the plastic bag ban trend that is sweeping the nation won't be a significant deprivation.
Apparently, his culinary cravings have not had any impact on his health, as attested by a medical test conducted during the segment.
The episode airs Wednesday, January 29, on TLC, but you can watch a sneak preview on The Wrap. The video is embedded below.
Bon appétit!
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