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Skippy and Buzz manage their regrindSkippy and Buzz manage their regrind
Two characters, Skippy and Buzz, help answer plastics processors' questions. In the real world, Jim Wilson, a Lancaster, PA-based plastics consultant and principal of Eager Task Consultants, is the creator of the two fictional characters, using them to help him reach and teach his audience.
April 1, 2011
His most recent post is pretty funny, especially assuming it is based in reality. Buzz went to his local paint store to try to buy some pigment for a project on which he has to "color some special white tinted plastic additive to add to virgin resin," so that the final color of the additive is the same color as the finished. The store's owners almost pulled a fast one on him but their Laurel & Hardy act get trip them up.
Last month the two posted on managing "the regrind from regrind." Many processors regrind their scrap and run it through their machines, either as 100% regrind or as a percentage of a virgin/regrind mixture. But can the scrap from this scrap be used yet again? What do you do with the runners and sprues when it's 100% from previously reground scrap?
Wilson's post offers material management tips to help processors avoid getting into a regrind logistical trap. It's well worth reading.
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