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Polyester pushing resin and fiber sales

September 22, 2005

1 Min Read
Polyester pushing resin and fiber sales

Although polyester fiber demand greatly outstrips resin demand on a global basis, the market is shifting in Europe and the Americas, according to a new global report on terephthalates and polyester from Chemical Market Assoc. Inc. (CMAI; Houston, TX). Looking at a period stretching from 2000 to 2010, CMAI found that terephthalic acid (TPA) demand and growth are driven by polyester fiber in Asia, while in Europe and the Americas PET bottle resin has increased market share and now exceeds fiber.

To fuel its fiber and garment industry, Chinese imports of TPA will exceed 6 million metric tons in 2005 and 2006. Globally, CMAI reports that more than two-thirds of world polyester demand goes towards fiber, but PET resin has grown substantially, and moving forward, its growth rates will be higher than those for the more mature fiber market.

Nearly 38% of total global PET resin demand in 2005 came out of the Americas, while Europe makes up one-third of global demand, and Asia represents 26%.-Tony Deligio; [email protected]

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