Resin Transfer Molding Press Said To Provide 'Outstanding' Temperature Control
September 1, 2001
September, 2001
Resin Transfer Molding Press Said To Provide 'Outstanding'Temperature Control
Technical MachineProducts' newest offering is a resin transfer molding press that is thermal oilheated to 600 F, with a temperature uniformity rated at ±3 F. This temperatureconsistency is said to insure better molding control and higher quality parts.
The 800-ton press measures 60 x 84 in. and has a daylight opening of 36 in. Theeasily programmable controls are designed to provide complete system control andmonitoring, system diagnostics and are integrated to tie in resin transfermolding. It also features an automated mold extraction system.
For pricing information, use the Key Contact Directory on p 70 to find theappropriate sales person at TMP.
Technical Machine Products
Cleveland, OH Circle 106
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