Interested in a Polystyrene Foam (EPS) Recycling Grant?Interested in a Polystyrene Foam (EPS) Recycling Grant?
Up to $50,000 per grant for expanded polystyrene is available from the Foam Recycling Coalition for drop-off centers, curbside programs, or MRFs.
March 7, 2024

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) aka polystyrene foam is a versatile and lightweight plastic valued for its low cost, buoyancy, and insulating qualities for packaging, buildings, and other markets. However, EPS is also vilified for its environmental impact and lack of recycling infrastructure of much consequence.
However, that’s changing grant by grant through the efforts of the Foam Recycling Coalition of the Foodservice Packaging Institute (FPI).
For organizations looking to increase EPS recycling, the FRC’s grant program is open to public, private, and non-profit entities that are engaged with drop-off centers, curbside programs, or material recovery facilities (MRFs). Applications of up to $50,000 per grant for qualified entities will be accepted from March 18 through April 22, 2024. The application form can be downloaded at
The organization is hosting an informational webinar on foam recycling and the grant program on Thursday, March 21, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. ET that will feature past grant recipients and a foam recycling solutions provider. You can register for the Grant Support for Foam Recycling Webinar here.
For background, PlasticsToday published a feature on the FRC program in November, Polystyrene Foam Recycling Incentivized by Investment, Innovation.
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