Cobot Lends Hand to Help Injection Molder Meet Spike in DemandCobot Lends Hand to Help Injection Molder Meet Spike in Demand
When orders for molded caps surged because of a COVID-induced supply-chain disruption, Australian company Designed Mouldings turned to automation.
January 27, 2021
Australia-based injection molder Designed Mouldings produces plastic caps and seals for customers in the packaging industry. The land down under closed its borders when COVID-19 started to spread, causing disruptions to global supply chains but creating a potential windfall for local manufacturers.
Orders for plastic caps spiked in short measure for Designed Mouldings, which had to examine its processes and identify efficiencies wherever possible to meet demand. It quickly became apparent that the manual insertion of wads into plastic caps was ripe for innovation. Automating that process by enlisting the services of a collaborative robot from On Robot slashed the cycle time and increased productivity. This video tells the story.
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