Injection molding: Engel installs 5500-tonne machine for GrafInjection molding: Engel installs 5500-tonne machine for Graf
About 3 years ago, plastics processor Graf (Teningen, Germany), which makes and markets its own line of rainwater containers and other large tanks, tasked injection molding machine manufacturer Engel (Schwertberg, Austria) with construction of a massive molding machine.
April 4, 2008
Now, the unit has been commissioned , and it packs a hefty punch. The two-platen Engel duo machine comes with a clamping force of 55,000 kN (5500 tonnes) and three injection units, with Graf using it for the production of underground tanks and logistics containers. The duo 5500 supports shot weights of up to 140 kg with its three injection units, each with a screw diameter of 260 mm.
The 25-m long injection molding machine has a total weight of 585 tons, with another 160 tons for the mold it runs. Despite its great size, it is gentle on the energy budget, with a specific energy consumption of just 0.34 kWh/kg under production conditions, according to Engel.—[email protected]
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